Massimo on guitar
Marion at the piano
Trix on the mic
an den Drums
Tom on bass
Inspired by a street musician, I learned to play the guitar as a child. I've played in various bands, but also in the Zurich Big Band for a few years. Musically, however, I could never really commit myself. I was looking for something special. Now I enjoy the wide range of musical styles and like to accompany Perlmuet's funny and touching songs.
I come from a classical background but feel comfortable in pretty much any genre as long as it's melodic. I also compose and write lyrics, so I didn't want to be in a cover band. I was looking for a challenge, which Perlmuet can now offer me. I can be creative here and also bring in my own songs.
I am the composer, lyricist and singer of Perlmuet. Everything that moves me somehow flows into my music. I find inspiration everywhere in everyday life. I don't really have a style, the only thing that always remains is the dialect.
Of course I also had my voice trained. First with Eva Gisler and then with Ingrid Lukas.
Meine Leidenschaft zur Musik habe ich in der Tanzmusikband entdeckt. Doch nach über 20 Jahren auf der Bühne erfolgte ein Neubeginn in einer Blues- & Rock Band, in der ich ebenalls einige Jahre den Takt angegeben habe.
Dann bin ich Perlmuet begegnet und geblie-ben. Mir gefallen die diversen Rhythmen der Eigenkompositionen, die Geschichten aus dem Alltag erzählen, welche wir alle schon einmal erlebt haben.
I first played as a bass player in various bands for a few years. After that I was a rhythm guitarist with the band A Fine Affusion for many years. Apart from another engagement, I mainly play and pluck the bass at Perlmuet.